Sunday, October 17, 2010

! Drake turns 1 month old and Jamie comes to town !

Drake had his 1 month birthday on Saturday the 16th!

It's hard to believe that it's already been a month since our pretty little baby was born.  Drake is growing and becoming so much fun.  According to the Wii Fit... he's gained a little over a pound.  We go to the Dr on the 19th for his 1 month check-up so we'll see for sure how much he is growing.  He is sleeping pretty well through the night.  We have started a night time routine and it's going pretty well.  Between 8pm and 9pm we give him a bath and then its diaper, lotion, and jammie time.  He typically stays awake about 30 minutes after bath time and sleeps until at least 11pm and sometimes 1am.  His next feedings are 3-4am and then again about 6am.  By his 8-9am feeding we're up for the day.  Aaron went back to work last weekend so it's just Drake and I during the day.  His daddy misses him so much when he's gone though.  

Drake had alot of firsts on his 1 month birthday.  He got to meet my best friend Jamie for the 1st time, he went to his first craft fair, and to his first haunted house.  Drake is alot like his mommy and loved Miss Jamie. 

She brought him a very cute but HUGE 0-3 Kansas City Chiefs sleeper.  His daddy was very excited since that is his favorite team!  Jamie was in love with our baby and has decided that she wants another SOON!  Our child loves his car seat and anytime he is in it, he sleeps!  He slept all the way through the craft fair, dinner, the haunted house, and yum-yo's!  I read alot of posts on message boards and ALOT of the ladies on their buy their kids onsies for each month they turn.  Instead of buying the onsie... I made my own.  I am quite pleased with how it turned out.  I bought a plain white onsie and used fabric paint and a template that I made on Microsoft Word.
Jamie came down from Kansas City and spent the day with us on Saturday.  We had alot of fun... Jamie had never been to a craft fair or to a haunted house either.  The craft fair was rather warm and of course there were people EVERYWHERE!  We hit up a couple of tents, ate lunch, and then did some sampling.    We don't get to see Jamie very much so when we can we definitely take advantage of it.  We get as much in as we can and still have time to just relax and catch up.  After the craft fair we waited for Aaron to get home so he could take us to Olive Garden for dinner and then to Yum-Yo's for desert.  Jamie's husband, Justin and son, Jaxon didn't get to come down with her :(  They were having daddy-son bonding time and went to Aunt Kaitlyn birthday party.  Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!!  Sunday morning when we woke up, we went to Gravette and Jamie got a tattoo!  It looks really good and she really likes it.  Before Jamie left KC, Justin's only request was that she not get any tattoos... when she told him that she got another, he didn't believer her!  Guess he'll see it when she gets home :)

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